
The Polygraph Professionals operate throughout North Gauteng (Pretoria area), North-West province, Mpumalanga and Limpopo (Polokwane) province

Some facts about polygraphy

A polygraph instrument records the following psycho-physiological activity in the body specifically when the examinee is confronted with specific questions concerning a crime or incident under investigation:

  • changes in the cardiovascular system (heart-rate, blood volume, blood pressure)
  • changes in the respiratory system (inhalation and exhalation patterns and rate, apnea)
  • changes in the skin (electro-dermal and sweat gland activity)

The accuracy of a polygraph examination varies between 85% and 95% depending on the question format used. A polygraph test usually takes about 1 to 1½ hours.

An examinee must submit voluntarily to be tested and he/she must co-operate fully to ensure that reliable, accurate and useful results are obtained.

Polygraph tests comply with the Constitution of the RSA, Act 108 of 1996 and the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995. Results can be submitted as corroborating evidence in any Court of Law, CCMA hearing or disciplinary hearing if deemed admissible, relevant and carrying sufficient probative value.

Clients are provided with a written report at the conclusion of each polygraph test.

‘n Paar feite oor poligrafie

‘n Poligraafinstrument neem die volgende psigio-fisiologiese aktiwiteite op wat voorkom in die ligaam wanneer die kandidaat met spesifieke vrae oor n’ misdaad of insident gekonfronteer word:

  • veranderings in die kardiovaskulerestelsel (hartklop tempo, bloedvolume, bloeddruk)
  • veranderings in die asemhalingstelsel (inasem en uitasem patrone en tempo, apnea)
  • veranderings in die vel (elektro-dermis en sweetklier aktiwiteit) 

Die akkuraatheid van ’n poligraaf-eksamen wissel tussen 85% en 95% afhangend van die toetsformaat wat aangewend word. ’n Poligraaftoets duur gewoonlik ongeveer 1 tot 1½ uur.

Die kandidaat moet vrywillig aanbied om getoets te word en moet deurlopend sy/ haar samewerking gee om te verseker dat betroubare, akkurate en bruikbare resultate bekom word.

Poligraaftoetse voldoen aan die bepalings van die Konstitusie van die RSA, Wet 108 van 1996 en die Aarbeidsverhoudingswet, 66 van 1995. Uitslae kan voorgele word in enige Geregshof, KKMA verhoor of dissiplinere verhoor as stawende getuienis mits dit toelaatbaar beskou word, relevant is en genoegsame bewyswaarde dra.

Kliente word van ‘n geskrewe verslag voorsien na afloop van elke poligraaftoets.